Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Origin of Aryans of vedic age

Origin of Aryans of vedic age

Origin of AryansSome scholars, such as Max Muller and Dr. Thapar, believe that originally, the Aryans seem to have lived somewhere in the area east of Alps, in the region known as Eurasia, the region of the Caspian Sea and the southern Russian steppes, and gradually dividing into a number of tribes migrated in search of pasture, to Greece and Asia Minor, to Iran and to India. By that time, they came to be known as Aryans. This is proved by some Aryan names mentioned in the Kassite inscriptions of 1600 BC and the Mitanniinscriptions of the fourteenth century BC, found in Iraq which suggest that from Iran a branch of the Aryans moved towards the west.

Original Home of Aryans
Central AsiaMax Muller
TibetDayanand Saraswati
TurkistanHurz Feld
BactriaJ.C. Rod
GermanyPenka and Hert
Southern RussiaNehring
West BalticMach
Arctic RegionB.G. Tilak
Russian SteppesProf. Belfy
Central IndiaRajbali Pandey
KashmirL.D. Kala
Sapta SindhuA.C. Das
Himalayan FoothillsPt. Laxmidhar Shastri
Other Scholars, such as Ganganath Jha, A.C. Das, Dr. Sampurnanand etc established the Sapta-Sindhu theory of Rig Veda which believe that Aryans were not foreigners but were indigenous people residing in the region comprising modern Punjab and Sindh. This theory has met with criticism, as the historians argue over the vast differences of culture between the Harappans and the Aryans.
Another theory propounded by Lokmanya Tilak suggests the Polar region as the regional homeland of Aryans, Zend Avesta and Rig Veda. Shows peculiar similarities in the terms used for religion and socio-economic context.

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